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As Is Above, So Is Below

On the 8th day of the 8th month of the 8th year...
A Reading following the Day Out of Time event on 15 July… 

Greetings from Edna, the facilitator for the event…

The work done for participants on 25 July was on many levels mirrored by the work done for the planet as a whole, as preparation for the very intense period which followed, starting with the total Solar Eclipse on August 1, then the 8 – 8 – 8 Gateway, when the magnificent crop circle in the photograph above appeared in the early hours in a field in Wiltshire, England, with the simultaneous focusing of mass consciousness on the opening of the Olympic Games in China. The period of intensity continued till the partial Lunar Eclipse on August 16.

July 25 also marked the day designated as the Global Day of Love and Gratitude to Water, and the collective of beings of light who work with us during these events placed particular emphasis this time on supporting the work of Dr Masaru Emoto, who was to conduct a Love and Gratitude to Water ceremony at Lake Baikal on August 3, a few days after our event. All the details about the work done for the energy field and overlighting deva of the lake during the treatment process on July 25 can be seen here. A powerful earthquake rocked the region on August 27, with Lake Baikal at the epicentre. Although the earthquake reached nine on the Richter Scale, no casualties or destruction were reported!

Despite the range of time periods and situations where disharmonic energies were cleared during the treatment process, it could be said that the main theme of the treatment process was the strengthening of two particular inherent positive qualities, for both participants and for the planetary morphic field as a whole:

  • the ability to be “easy-going”
  • the ability to feel really clean inside and outside (not tarnished by one’s experiences and the experiences of previous generations)
To access all the links related to the 25 July event, click here.
A brief synopsis of information which came up for both participants and the morphic field of the planet is shown below – a summary of the steps which were repeated three or more times during the treatment process.

For all the details, it’s recommended that you look at Part One and Part Two of the report itself.

At the start of the treatment process, it was indicated that work would be done for all of the participants, as well as for the planetary energy fields shown below, though specific information about what was actually being shifted or cleared was only received for those shown in this colour:

The collective consciousness of…

The Earth as a whole**
The energy field beyond that of the Earth**
The continent of Asia, as a whole*
Lake Baikal in Siberia (see this link for more info at the Earth Heal Blog)
The North Pole**
The USA**

The relationship between the collective consciousness and…

The element of Water, and the oceans, rivers, lakes of the planet**
The element of Air and the atmosphere of the planet**
Geological/seismic events e.g. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, occurring in various places
The animal kingdom as a while**
The mineral kingdom**
Natural disasters occurring in various locations around the globe e.g. hurricanes
The mainstream media**
President Chavez of Venezuela*
The upcoming election in the USA The New World Order/Illuminati*

Steps which came up at least 3 times during the treatment process

For participants

On a physical level

– the pons area of the brain
– the pineal gland
– a detoxification of old chemical and drug poisons was triggered 

For participants as well as the collective energy field of the planet

On a physical level

– the physical body as a whole
– the production of neurotransmitters in the brain
– old scar tissue on a physical level, as well as “old scarring” on other levels


– Base
– Throat
– Heart
– 10th chakra


– Perception – the way we perceive ourselves and the world
– Grounding to Mother Earth
– Stabilized the energy field before continuing at a deeper level
– Harmonised the physical and subtle bodies

Suppressed emotions/tendencies related to collective history which were cleared included:

– feeling as though we are regarded by others as being ‘expendable’

Positive inherent qualities being strengthened or reactivated collectively by the clearing of “old stuff” included:

– the ability to be “easy-going”
– the ability to feel really clean inside and outside (not tarnished by one’s experiences and the experiences of previous generations)

Some of the other interesting steps from the treatment process:

For the collective energy field of the planet

– Healing energy was channeled in by beings of light working for the highest good of all, including Lazarus, Thoth and Babaji

– Old programming was cleared on a collective level (going back to various eras, including 1932 – 52 (re the upcoming election in the USA), 1957 – 68 (Vietnam), and 1972 – 94 (Earth as a whole), which has been affecting the collective energy field.

– A Buddhic Column was set up for all participants and over Lake Baikal for protection during an ongoing release.

– Cleared unneeded energies for Lake Baikal related to a “parallel reality” in a future time line, 2069 – 2093.

For all participants

– The Phoenix Ceremony was conducted to clear unneeded energies.
– Healing energy was channeled in from the Star Nation People and the Christ Consciousness.

For female participants

– Healing energy was channeled in from Lazarus, and we worked with “probable realities’.

For male participants

– Healing energy was channeled in from Edgar Cayce and Alcyone, the Central Sun.

For the children and babies who participated

– Cleared “old programming” going back to 1933 – 1963, with an emphasis on strengthening “the ability to live in a prudent way”.

For the animals who participated

– Cleared effects of Hartmann Lines (geopathic stress).

Related links

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Solar Eclipse ~ 8-8-8 Gateway ~ Lunar Eclipse

This magnificent crop circle which appeared on 17 July in a field in Westwoods, near Lockridge, Wiltshire is just one of the large number of crop circles that manifested in the Wiltshire area of the UK during the month of July. Have a look at the Crop Circle Connector site to see these gifts from the universe that have been appearing almost daily at this auspicious time leading up to the focussing of mass consciousness on the 8-8-8 opening of the Olympic Games in China.

The treatment process on 25 July served to prepare participants on many levels for the very powerful period starting with the full Solar Eclipse tomorrow in Leo, followed by the 8-8-8 gateway and the Lunar Eclipse of 16 August. Feedback from those who were part of the treatment process has continued to come in over the past few days, and can be accessed at this link.

The August portal and the period between the eclipses: 1 – 16 August

Ronna Herman: 8-8-8 Opening the Galactic Infinity Gateway

Beloved Masters, many time/event triggers within the Sacred Heart core of humanity and within the crystalline construct of the Earth are being activated as ALL Creation within this universal experience moves more rapidly along the spiral of evolutionary ascension. One of the major time triggers for the activation of the eighth-dimensional Infinity Gateway will occur on your calendar date of August 8, 2008 or 8-8-8. An important cosmic moment will take place at that time, for the eighth-dimensional portal will be accessible to those of you who are diligently working to balance and harmonize your frequency patterns so that you will be able to integrate the maximum Creator Light during these times of unprecedented opportunity for spiritual growth….

Beginning with the Total Eclipse of the Sun in the sign of Leo on August 1, 2008, humanity and the Earth will experience another cycle of acceleration and expansion of consciousness. There will also be a partial Eclipse of the Moon on August 16, 2008 in Aquarius, the solar sign of the coming Golden Age. August 16th is also the anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence which took place 21 years ago in 1987…. read in full at this link 

7 August: 9 pm local times globally

Candle for Tibet – Global Candle Light Demonstration

August 7th 2008 is the day before the opening ceremony of The Olympic Games in Beijing. On this day we aim to create the world’s greatest LIGHT PROTEST, when at least 100 million people from all over the world will light a candle and say YES to freedom in Tibet!

All you are asked to do is to light a simple candle on August 7th at 9 pm in your own time zone.
Light the Candle at your home, workplace or in a public place. Put the candle in your Window, or on your desk, or anywhere else where other people will see it and hopefully do the same.  Our light protest will be seen by billions on TV screens all over the world on the day the Beijing Olympics open….. Read in full at this link. Public Candle Lighting Around the World: Most up to date vigil list here.

Phoenix Rising Star: 8/8/08 Meditation for Activating YOUR Zero Point

Background: This meditation came about as a result of my intention to learn how to access Zero Point Energy* without tools. The Angels and Ascended Masters that guided this meditation were a team of twelve, led by Melchizedek.
(*Zero Point Energy is defined as the electromagnetic field, once known as the void between cells, now known as the space of creation, that helps explain intention. It is estimated that there is enough zero point energy contained in one cubic meter of space to boil all the oceans of the world.) This energy needs to be shared. This meditation is for the highest good and healing for all.
It will help you:
  • feel better fast
  • feel emotionally balanced and centered
  • help you retrieve lost or forgotten parts of self
  • manifest your heart’s desires
  • send healing to those whom you have permission
  • send healing to the earth, other planets, stars, and the universe.

It is a meditation that works. And it’s free…And if we all do this meditation within a 24 hour period, it will create a planetary shift faster and better than any of us thought possible! At least that’s what my angels and guides tell me.

They’ve picked August 8, 2008 as the Meditation Day. At 8AM, your time, wherever you are. So in that 24 hour period, everyone who wants to be a part of this will have, and can see instantaneous results, the angels and guides say.

How many people does it take to change the world? What if we have the number it takes? What if we can all access Zero Point Energy for the highest good and healing for all? What will the world look like if it changes for the highest good and healing for all?

Drunvalo Melchizedek says it only takes 3 beings to create change.. If so, I know we’ll have 3 beings taking part in this…. Read in full at this link

Mike Quinsey: St. Germain 01-August-2008

My Dear Ones believe what you hear because you are but a whisper away from the most exciting event that has occurred on Earth in recent times. An event of far reaching repercussions that will reverberate around the world. One that will move you onwards to the promised changes, and release you from the thralldom of centuries of oppression. You have created the manner in which you are proceeding, and experiences that will provide you with memorable and all encompassing changes of breathtaking dimensions. It has been planned and blessed by the highest orders of Beings who oversee and guide your evolution. I am but one of many who have responded to your awakening and desire to return to full consciousness.

You who are the Lighted Ones who walk amongst your fellow travelers, and as you do so are helping awaken those who are just coming out of their slumbers. Read in full at this link.

Carol Ann Ciocco: 8-8-8 The Time Between Eclipses

Through the Eye of the Needle to Solar Christ Consciousness ~ I often refer to the time between eclipses as a Vortex or Tornado of change. It is as if under the first eclipse (in this case on August 1st) Dorothy and ‘the house’ get swept up into the tornado/vortex of the eclipse window. The house – which represents the structures of our lives and our culture, and even our bodies – doesn’t land until the second eclipse two weeks later. During those two weeks we are walking in a time-out-of-time, a space of unlimited potential. Read in full at this link. Sign up for Carol’s excellent newsletter here for regular news about the eclipses and other major astrological events. Click here for more information on the time between eclipses.

Jennifer Posada shares another way of looking at this time. She says that the time between eclipses is like “passing through the ‘eye of the needle.’ It is like the time a caterpillar spends in the cocoon before coming out a butterfly. (The bookend eclipse – in this case, on August 16) will be that butterfly’s emergence. Going through the ‘eye of the needle’ for the next couple of weeks will mean that things will seem very condensed or compressed, as if a pressure or force is at powerful work. These next few weeks will be potent for many of us, and we are likely to feel like quite different people on the other side” – Jennifer Posada http://www.jenniferposada.com/

So, as is always recommended: let go of luxuries you don’t really need. They won’t fit through the eye of the needle. …(Check out ‘The Story of Stuff’ for a beautiful discussion of the Western world’s preoccupation with THINGS). BY THE WAY: most of our ‘stuff’ comes from China – a country that figures prominently in the 8-8-8 and the eclipses of August 2008! It’s time to declutter so you can pass through the eye of the needle. Put that camel on a diet and squeeze him through! Then when the house lands on August 16th, it will land on the wicked witch of your old self.

If you watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics, you will be literally tuning in to mass consciousness – every country around the world will be coming together in peace to compete in tests of skill, honor and greatness. This truly is a beautiful opportunity to create change with intention. Tune in and envision the world the way you would like it to be.

Barbara Wolf – “08-08-08 is a magical moment when the entire world will come together in thought because of the opening of the Olympics. According to ancient tradition, the opening ceremony of the Olympics is a moment when war stops and athletes compete in an ethical manner. 08 08 08 is a moment when there will be a huge concentration of mass consciousness. Please energize this mass consciousness with peace.” http://www.globalmeditations.com/

The spiritual facet of the 8-8-8 truly is one of world peace: “At 8:00 am/pm on August 8, 2008 (8-8-8 ) all Lightworkers and Keepers of the Earth should invoke the symbols of the Number 888 into themselves. Because 888 symbolizes the Sacred Number of Christ, invoke Christ’s Infinite Wisdom of ‘Loving thy Neighbor as Thyself’ into your heart.” – David Miller http://www.cybertrails.com/groupofforty/index.html

Nick Fiorenza – The Lunar Month of Aug 1, 2008 – Aug 30, 2008 – Regeneration & Rebirth – A Fresh Start

This is an eclipse Lunar Cycle, with a Total Solar Eclipse occurring on the New Moon of Aug 1, 2008 and a Partial Lunar Eclipse occurring on the Full Moon of Aug 16.

Our New Moon Eclipse occurs in the Egyptian Scarabaeus, an image that articulates the theme of our emergence from darkness, dogma, and delusion. This month’s Lunar Theme is defined by the stars that create the ass of the Scarab (Crab), which are of being encrusted in antiquated patterns, personal and collective beliefs, and modalities of being that perpetuate stasis. Classically they are considered to be unfortunate stars with a somewhat stubborn nature. They can stimulate a desire to nourish, fortify and accumulate to such a degree that one can get self-consumed in their own pile of stuph’. However, our Total Solar Eclipse offers a release from their tenaciously sticky hold. Nick’s site is at this link.

Marielle Croft: The Eclipses in August 2008

1. New Moon with Sun eclipse: August 1st, 2008, 3:12 am, PDT
2. Full Moon with Moon eclipse: August 16th, 2008, 2:15 pm, PD

Eclipses’ powers remain mysterious. We do observe, though, that everything seems to react to their coming months before to months after their culmination. They seem to invite into the invisible aspects of life – would they be within us or all around in the world. The magic and the mystery open their subtle doors. We could walk by without seeing or we could notice and explore. Read in full at this link.

Celia Fenn – The Energies for August 2008 – The fifth dimensional New Earth and cooperation and sharing as a form of planetary governance
Beloved Lightworkers, August will be a magnificent month in which the Earth will be flooded with the Golden Flame of Ascended Love. This super radiant Light will be focussed by the Solar Eclipse on the 1st and the Lunar Eclipse on the 16th, when New Light Codes for Earth’s unfolding evolution will be received directly from the Galactic Center.


Ones, at this time we would speak to you of the unfolding of the “plan” for the New Earth, as you have decided on the level of the Collective Consciousness of Light. In the midst of the apparent chaos we ask you to perceive the Divine Perfection of what is arising on your Earth. It is a Divine Gift of Great Perfection and Beauty, and it is the next step in your evolution as you bring Heaven to Earth.

We will call it the New Structure for Planetary Management or Governance, and it is the form that will emerge in the twenty-first century that will represent Divine Government on Earth… Read in full at this link.

The Energies for August 2008

Beloved Ones, as you know, this period of the year when Sirius rises with the Sun in the Northern skies marks the beginning of a Sacred Cycle on the Earth that we call the Planetary New Year. The energies that emanate from the Galactic Center are intensified as they are focussed through Sirius and the Sun in the constellation of Leo. In perfect balance, the Great Mother, Isis, as represented by Sirius, and the Divine Masculine energy as represented by Ra, radiate the Unconditional Love and Balance from the Great Principle of Cosmic Balance and Truth, Ma’at/Thoth, the energies of the Great Golden Heart of the Galaxy.

On the 1st of August, at the New Moon, there will be a Solar Eclipse in Leo. This moment will represent the integration of New Solar Light Codes for the birth of Divine Planetary Governance on the New Earth, With the energies of the Lion’s Gate, it will be a powerful time for the integration of new energies and focussing on the new work that comes to be received as a blessing of Light.

On the 8:8:1 on the 8th of August, there will be another Harmonic Gateway that will open to transmit the New Light Codes from the Heart of the Great Central Sun into the Planetary Heart.

On the 16th of August, there will be a partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on the Full Moon. This powerful eclipse will allow for the integration of the Lunar energy with the “Water Codes” of Aquarius, who is represented by the “Water Bearer”. He is the Water God, the Divine Masculine energy of the New Earth that protects the Purity and Power of the Water element so that All may experience the “Codes of Life” or the “Paradise Codes” that are carried in the Water. At this time, there will be many Sacred Spiritual Gatherings and Ceremonies around the Planet to celebrate the New Earth energy and to perform Sacred Water Ceremonies for the New Earth that is birthing in Great Joy.

Beloved Ones, it is a month of Great Celebration. You have achieved what was desired and you have each played your part in this wonderful transformation. Together, you have cancelled the “end times” and re-written the “script” for a Peaceful Global Transformation into the Fifth Dimension of Oneness and Love. And so, it is being created as you have determined. This is indeed a great triumph of Collective Planetary Creation.

We wish you Continued Joy in your Adventures of Light in this month of August.

Related Links

>> Mayan Day Out of Time ~ World Day of Love & Thanks to Water

>> Love & healing for ancient Lake Baikal, Siberia… and a short report-back after the 25 July event

>> 8/8/08 Meditation for Activating YOUR Zero Point

>> Feedback from the facilitator and surrogates after the event

>> Feedback from participants after the event

>> List of all links related to the 25 July 2008 event

>> The Crop Circle Connector – July 2008

>> Westwoods crop circle – 17 July 2008

>> 8-8-8- Opening the infinite Galactic Gateway – Ronna Herman

>> Candle for Tibet – 7 August

>> Candlelight vigils around the world for Tibet

>> St. Germain – 1 August 2008 – Mike Quinsey

>> The Energies for August 2008 – Celia Fenn

>> The Eclipses in August 2008 – Marielle Croft

>> The August Lunar Planner – Nick Fiorenza

>> The Eye of the Needle – Jennifer Posada

>> 8-8-8 The Time Between Eclipses – Carol Ann Ciocco

>> Total Solar Eclipse in Leo – Carol Ann Ciocco

>> The Story of Stuff

>> Group of Forty

>> Global meditations – Barbara Wolf

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